Temporary residence permit can now be obtained before arriving to Lithuania through external services provider in 34 countries

As of 2023 foreigners can apply for Lithuanian residence permit by submitting documents proving their work, business or family or academic interests in VFS Global offices, regardless of whether they are resident in the country where such services are provided. The time allowed for examining the application and taking a decision will vary from 1 to 3 months. The fee for receiving, examining, and issuing a temporary residence permit is €120. Foreigners will no longer need to obtain a visa for entry to Lithuania in order to collect their residence permit.

The service will be available in the VFS Global offices including  Canada, Georgia, India, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, UK Venezuela.

Find more information and FAQ visiting the official website of the Migration department.




Konstitucijos pr. 7, Vilnius LT-09308